In this article...
How to add contacts on the Caregiver Portal
How to add contacts on the device
We're here on the Caregiver Portal!

Contacts are one of the most important parts of a phone. They are the names and numbers of who your kiddo, well, contacts. I'm sure you already knew this, of course, so let's jump right into all of the different features on the Contacts tab.
There are three main parts to the Contacts tab. There's the Safelist, lists of contacts, and then the individual contact sheets.
We have 3 different types of safelists.
For a more detailed description of our Safelists, please see our Contact Safelist article!
Lists of contacts

- Approved. This is the main list you'll see day-to-day. This is the list that contains all of your child's approved contacts that can be contacted. You will fit these into modes (see: Modes) and then your kiddo will be able to contact them.
- Rejected. This is obviously the OPPOSITE of "Approved" and is all of the contacts that you've blocked or denied. Don't worry, anybody not on EITHER list will not be allowed to contact your kid, these are just the ones you've GUARANTEED rejected, usually from the "Pending" tab.
- Pending. These are all the contacts requested by your kiddo that are waiting for a response, you can either approve or reject these contacts from here. (You do this by simply setting their status to "Approved" or "Rejected" and saving the contact!)
- Suggested. These are Pinwheel suggested contacts, think things like 911.
- This is how lists will appear and the list will expand forever downwards in alphabetical order. As you can see, I have two contacts on my list, you will most likely have many more. (Technically: infinite contacts are allowed.)
Individual contact sheets
- Picture of contact. This shows up on the kiddo's phone for them to know who it is. (Or because they want dad to have a picture of Darth Vader or something.)
- Name. This is the name of the contact that will appear on the kid's phone.
- Phone number. This is the phone number that is associated with the contact. If you have issues contacting specific contacts, verify this is correct.
- Groups. Groups are categories for contacts to allow in different modes. Think: family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, etc.
- Status. This is the approved or rejected status of the contact. If you set it to rejected and save the contact, it will move to the "Rejected" tab, and visa versa. On "Pending", set a status to "approved" to approve the contact, then save.
- Emergency contact switch. This designates if a contact can be reached at ALL times. Usually parents, close relatives or guardians make the best emergency contacts.
How to add contacts on the Caregiver Portal
Adding contacts on the Caregiver Portal is too easy! First thing you'll want to do is press the "Add Contacts" button.
Once you press this, just fill out the individual contact sheet and then hit "Save Contact", done. (I know, simple.)
After you've added contacts, make sure to assign them to modes.
How to add contacts via the device
Your kid will do this, but here's how if they ask:
- Open up the Contacts app
- Press the + at the bottom right
- Fill in the information and submit
- Caregivers will then need to review and approve the contact on the "Pending" tab
Here's a GIF showing how to do this: