In this article...
We're here in the Caregiver Portal!
In the phone history tab you can view call and text history of the device. You are capable of approving or rejecting contacts straight through here. Let's say you catch grandma calling but not going through because she's not approved yet, there's a quick button to click that approves her.
Through the phone history tab you can enable image texting.
Let's go through it a bit.
Text history
- Approved tab. This is the tab with all the approved contacts and messages. It looks very similar to the "Needs Review tab" without the buttons to approve/reject contacts.
- Needs Review tab. This is the tab where texts from blocked contacts go. They do not go to the device, but you can use this tab to review things like verification codes and approve/reject contacts through here.
- Contact information.
- Message preview. You can preview the message and it's contents through here. Clicking this will open the entire conversation.
- Review Participants. This is only on the "Needs Review tab". Click it and you can approve or reject the contact. You can also see all participants here if it is a group text.
- Entire conversation. This is the texts to and from the Pinwheel device.
Call history
- Search. You can use this to search the call history by name or phone number to find specific calls between contacts.
- Name of caller. This is the name of the caller, if there's no name it will be just a number, and if it's blocked it will be "Blocked Number".
- Phone number.
- Approve button. Same as text history, if the caller is someone you recognize, go ahead and approve them.
- Call type. This displays what the call is: to, from or blocked.
- Call information. This is the date and time of the call, including how long it lasted.